City Council

The Hadley City Council meets the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm (December - March) and 6:30 pm (April - November) in the Council Chamber, located inside the Hadley Community Center.

Interested in attending a city council meeting? We welcome residents and guests to participate in open forum. To be included on the Meeting Agenda and reserve your spot in our open forum, please contact our Clerk/Treasurer, prior to the agenda deadline below.

The deadline for all Meeting Agenda requests is the Friday before a regularly scheduled Monday council meeting at 5:00pm. Late Meeting Agenda requests will be processed in the order received, at the discretion of the Clerk/Treasurer, as time allows.

Pursuant to Minnesota Statute section 13D.01, subd. 6, a binder containing public council meeting documents will be available in the Council Chamber prior to each meeting, for inspection by the public. All in attendance will be required to sign in, signifying their presence at the respective meeting. 

Meet your City of Hadley officials


Man headshot

Richard Like
Term Expires: 12/2026

Favorite Thing about Hadley:

Committee Involvement:
Water & Sewer, Streets, Personnel, Park & Rec, Board of Appeal & Equalization
Img 2339

Riley Engbarth

A native of Slayton, MN, Riley is used to small-town living and passionate about serving the communities in which he lives and works. With a bachelor's degree in Business Management and emphasis in Accounting from Minnesota State University-Mankato, in addition to several years of finance, insurance, and marketing experience, Riley's skillset is the perfect match for Hadley's city office. Joining the City of Hadley in October of 2020, he is excited to continue working for the residents and businesses of Hadley. Riley encourages locals to reach out as questions or concerns arise and looks forward to learning even more about the community.
Email Riley

City Council

Woman headshot

Bonnie Petersen
Council Member
Term Expires: 12/2026

Favorite Thing About Hadley:

Committee Involvement:
Streets, Personnel, Park & Rec
Man headshot

Henry Veldhuisen
Council Member
Term Expires: 12/2026

Council Member Veldhuisen has been serving on the Hadley City Council since 2004, which means 2024 marked 20 years serving the community! Henry is a high school graduate, with two years of additional vocational education and keeps busy as a salesman for a local seed dealer. He and his wife, Carol, have four sons and eight grandchildren. Outside of work, Council Member Veldhuisen enjoys golfing, spending time with his children and grandchildren and watching Buttermakers Baseball.

Favorite Thing About Hadley:
Small Town Life, Peaceful
Committee Involvement:
Water & Sewer, Park & Rec
Woman headshot

Jill Pieske
Council Member
Term Expires: 12/2026

Council Member Pieske joined the Hadley City Council in 2021. She is a graduate of Southwest Minnesota State University, with a degree in Social Work, and has been employed at Southwest Health & Human Services in Slayton since 2008. Jill and husband Nick have three children, Brett, Connor and Calista. Council Member Pieske grew up in a small town in South Dakota with a population of 400-- she never thought she would end up living in a smaller town than that, however she now calls Hadley home.

Favorite Thing About Hadley:
Quiet small town living, Ability to walk or bike to Summit Lake
Committee Involvement:
Personnel, Board of Appeal & Equalization
Man headshot

John Brouwer
Council Member
Term Expires: 12/2026

Favorite Thing About Hadley:

Committee Involvement:
Water & Sewer, Streets
Hello winter

City of Hadley

Acting Mayor
Henry Veldhuisen
Weed Inspector
Henry Veldhuisen
City Attorney
Merlyn Anderson
Board of Appeal & Equalization Representatives
Richard Like, Jill Pieske
City Prosecuting Attorney
Kayla Johnson
City Auditor
Kinner & Company, Ltd
Official Depository
Minnwest Bank
LMC 4M Fund
City Insurance Agent
Farmers Agency of Avoca, Inc. -
League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust
Official Newspaper
Murray County Wheel-Herald


Water & Sewer
Richard Like, Henry Veldhuisen, John Brouwer
Richard Like, Bonnie Petersen, John Brouwer
Richard Like, Jill Pieske, Bonnie Petersen
Park & Rec
Richard Like, Henry Veldhuisen, Bonnie Petersen,
Myron Bennett

Contact the Hadley City Council

Looking for general information about the City of Hadley? Have a question or concern pertaining to city business? Let us know how we can better serve you! Simply fill out the form below to send the Hadley City Council an email.