2024 Meeting Agendas

Meeting Agendas from the preceding 2024 City of Hadley council meetings are available to view or download here. You're invited to click the PDF link next to the corresponding month you would like to view. The PDF can then be downloaded for record, if desired.

Please note that a Meeting Agenda for the current month is typically uploaded the day before a council meeting (Sunday), in an attempt to accommodate all resident requests. The deadline for all Meeting Agenda requests is the Friday before a regularly scheduled Monday council meeting at 5:00pm. Late Meeting Agenda requests will be processed in the order received, at the discretion of the Clerk/Treasurer, as time allows.

Interested in attending a city council meeting? To be included on the Meeting Agenda and reserve your spot in our open forum, please contact our Clerk/Treasurer, prior to the deadline above.

Not finding what you're looking for? Meeting Agendas from the last three (3) consecutive years are available on our website, with a separate tab for each year under the City Council menu bar tab. Meeting Agendas from the archive can be requested by emailing Riley Engbarth, Clerk/Treasurer at cityofhadley@gmail.com

January 2024 Meeting Agenda

Hadley City Council, Hadley Minnesota
Monday, January 8, 2024
Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Download "January 2024 Meeting Agenda.pdf"

February 2024 Meeting Agenda

Hadley City Council, Hadley Minnesota
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Download "February 2024 Meeting Agenda.pdf"

March 2024 Meeting Agenda

Hadley City Council, Hadley Minnesota
Monday, March 11, 2024
Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Download "March 2024 Meeting Agenda.pdf"

April 2024 Meeting Agenda

Hadley City Council, Hadley Minnesota
Monday, April 8, 2024
Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Download "April 2024 Meeting Agenda.pdf"

May 2024 Meeting Agenda

Hadley City Council, Hadley Minnesota
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Download "May 2024 Meeting Agenda.pdf"

June 2024 Meeting Agenda

Hadley City Council, Hadley Minnesota
Monday, June 10, 2024
Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Download "June 2024 Meeting Agenda.pdf"

July 2024 Meeting Agenda

Hadley City Council, Hadley Minnesota
Monday, July 8, 2024
Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Download "July 2024 Meeting Agenda.pdf"